
Sperrhake Passau Duel Keyboard Harpsichord German Sold for restoration



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I am NOT a Harpsichord expert or even a novice. I am selling this Harpsichord as is. I have 5 years to sell it so I imagine I will be learning a lot. The pictures show pretty much everything I know about this. Some of the keys play but this definitely needs work. I am open to questions that I can hopefully answer. There are a number of letters written in German that came with this that are included. I don’t speak German so I have no idea what they say.
Update: I have been given a number of suggestions as to how I should be listing this Harpsichord. I appreciate them. I am in no hurry to sell this, in fact I don’t really want to because it looks great in my living room. In a few years when we move I will become more flexible in the sale. Why list it now, well if someone wants to give me my current asking price or close I will sell it..
Thanks for looking an have a nice